SLOW DENIM: Visible Construction

This is where yarns are the most important element of the textile.  Yarns and their tactile,  3D drama are the reason such textiles exist,  the construction is merely a vehicle to showcase fibre usually intimately hidden as part of the whole.

We explore all the elements within the fabric exciting us to the potential of yarn itself?  

Faustine Steinmetz

Faustine Steinmetz

Transparency created with meandering threads which shift through all the hues of indigo.    How to encase the body with threads alone without the benefit of supporting construction?

Faustine Steinmetz // Faustine Steinmetz // Balmain // Faustine Steinmetz

Faustine Steinmetz // Faustine Steinmetz // Balmain // Faustine Steinmetz

Loose threads in degrade indigo shades showcase how creative Faustine Steinmetz can be with the yarn itself without the constraints of formalised construction .  Items almost too exciting to wear. Balmain also plays with art and transparency but with regenerated denim rather than the simple yarn.   It is all made by hand creating unique living pieces.

Faustine Steinmetz

Faustine Steinmetz

Distorted smudged vintage inspiration.  Stripes once simple show case ways of distortion giving them a new vibe.